CBC Edmonton AM. Artist exploring the sounds of dinosaurs through a study in sonic skulls. M. Connolly, T. McCarthy. June 14, 2023.
Taproot Edmonton. Festival of new music goes way, way back. A. Lavallee-Koenig. June 9, 2023.
Earlier (Rawr! Press)
Connect Savannah, Savannah, GA, “How to Speak Dinosaur” R. Flora. Jan. 4, 2017. Cover story.
Quo, Science and Technology Magazine and Website, Spain, “Tú hablas dino?” (“Do you speak dino?”). Feb. 18, 2016.
ASU Now, Tempe, AZ, “ASU grad student receives prestigious international award.” K. Garboushian. Jan. 8, 2016.
Centrum Druki 3D, Polish 3D Printing website, “Druk 3D pozwolił odtworzyć dźwięki wydawane przez dinozaury“. (“3D printing helped recreate the sounds made by dinosaurs”). L. Dlugosz. Nov. 20, 2015., 3D Printing website, “3D Printing (re)Produces 65 Million Year Old Mating Call”. H. R. Mendoza. Nov. 19, 2015.
ASU State Press, Tempe, AZ, “ASU grad student builds dinosaur skull replica, bellowing roars and all”. I. Castillo. Nov. 16, 2015.
Here and Now, National Public Radio, Boston, MA. “Recreating Dinosaur Sounds With A Musical Twist.” [Radio Broadcast] A. Cline (Producer and Narrator), Nov. 6, 2015.
The Show, KJZZ 91.5, National Public Radio Affiliate, Phoenix, AZ. “Dinosaur Song: ASU Student Travels To Perform With Dinosaur Skull.” [Radio Broadcast] In A. Cline (Producer), M. Brodie. (Narrator). Nov. 3, 2016.
ASU Now, Tempe, AZ. “ASU student builds dinosaur skull that allows people to re-create the beast’s call; hear it below.” K. Garboushian. Oct. 21, 2015
Brown, C. (2023, Upcoming) Hadrosaur Variations. In Gluzman, Y., & Cleary, S. Emergency Index 2023: An Annual Document of Performance Practice. Ugly Duckling Presse: New York. 1 page.
Brown, C. , Dudgeon, T., & Gajewski, C. (2023, Upcoming) Artist Talk-Dinosaur Choir: Becoming Hadrosaur via Musical Interface. International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) ISEA2023 Symbiosis. Forum des images, Paris, France, ISEA. Short Artist Talk Paper. 4 pages.
Brown, C., Dudgeon, T., & Gajewski, C. (2023) Dinosaur Choir: Designing for Scientific Exploration, Outreach, and Experimental Music. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression – NIME ‘2023. Work-in-Progress Showcase. 6 pages.
Brown, C., Razzaque, S., & Paine, G. (2015). Rawr! Study in Sonic Skulls: Embodied Natural History. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression – NIME ‘15, Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University, 5-10.